CourseMatch - Analytics Club
Grade Non-Disclosure
Grade non-Disclosure
What exactly is the Grand Non-Disclosure policy?
We, the Wharton student body, believe that learning is at the heart of the MBA experience and are committed to providing a positive learning environment for everyone. To that end, grades should be kept separate from the recruiting process. We believe that student grade non-disclosure promotes risk-taking, teamwork, experiential learning, and community building while preventing over-reliance on metrics that may be imperfect predictors of job performance.
You can read the full agreement here.
Why should I vote?
A minimum number of votes is required for GND to be approved each year. We need at least 50% of the student body to participate in the vote and a 67% approval rate within those votes.
When does Grade Non-Disclosure not apply?
Academic honors are impressive and should be shared!
After you've accepted a full-time position or after you leave Wharton
For more information about disclosing your grades voluntarily, please see the full agreement above
Do other MBA programs have Grade Non-Disclosure policies?
Berkely, Chicago, Columbia, London Business School, Stanford, and Yale all have GND. Many other schools do not.
What if I'm asked about grades by a potential employer and I'd rather not share?
Most Wharton alumni and recruiters are aware of GND and respect the decision of the student body to not disclose grades. If a potential employer insists on seeing your grades or transcript, MBA Career Management can advise on how to handle the situation.
Where can I get more information before I vote?
Previous Pros and Cons debate in the Wharton Journal